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Makalah Bensin dalam Bahasa Inggris

“ Gasoline and Source Fuel ”
Ø Preface
In everyday life people often use energy sources as fuel among them: coal, gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, diesel LPG, wax and so on. These materials are obtained from petroleum.
Based on the theory, petroleum is formed from the process of weathering microorganisms (microorganisms) buried underground millions of years ago. Where two hundred million years ago the earth is hotter than it is now. The sea inhabited by hard-skinned microorganisms is very much in number if the microorganisms die, then decomposes so that the number is increasingly accumulated, then covered by sediment, sediment from the river, or rocks that come from the earth's shift. Here then there is decay by anaerobic bacteria, and the consequences at high sediment pressure, then after millions of years formed petroleum and natural gas

Ø Discussion

Gasoline contains chemical energy. This heat energy increases the temperature and pressure of the gas in the combustion chamber. The high pressure gas expands against the mechanics of the machine. The expansion was changed by the link mechanism to rotate the carnkshaft as the output of the machine. The carnkshaft is then connected to the transmission system by a shaft for transmitting power or mechanical spin energy. This energy is then used in accordance with the needs, for example to drive the wheels of a motor or a car.
Simply put, gasoline is composed of straight chain hydrocarbons with the chemical formula CnH2n + 2, starting from C7 (heptana) to Cn. In other words, gasoline made from hydrogen and carbon are tied together.
Different long-sided hydrocarbon molecules have the same properties and behavior. CH4 (methane) is the most "lightweight" molecule, the increase of C atoms in these chains gets heavier "heavy". The first four hydrocarbon molecules are methane, ethane, propane and pbutane. At temperatures and pressures, hold the gas with boiling points of -107o, -67o, -43o, and -18oC, respectively. The next from C5 to C18 is liquid and starts from C19 upwards in solid form.
In Indonesia there are several types of gasoline fuel that has different quality values. The value of the quality of fuel types sold by RON (octane reserch). Premium (RON 88) Premium is a clear yellow distillate oil type fuel. The color is due to the presence of an additional dye (dye). Use, premium is used to fuel gasoline-powered vehicles, such as cars, motorcycles, and outboard motors. This fuel is often called a gasoline or gasoline motor.
Pertamax (RON 92), Pertamax is intended for vehicles that require the use of unleaded high-octane fuel (unleaded). Pertamax also for vehicles that are above 1990, which has used technology equivalent to electronic fuel injection and xatalytic converters.Pertamax Plus (RON 95), this type of fuel has a high octane rating (95). Pertamax and Pertamax Plus are marketed since December 10, 2002. Pertamax Plus is upgraded for state-of-the-art vehicles that require the use of high-octane and environmentally friendly fuel. Pertamax Plus is very full for vehicles that have a ratio greater than 10.5 and use electronic fuel injection (EFI) technology, variable valve timing (VVT-I on Toyota, VVT on Suzuki, VTEC on Honda and VANOS / Valvetronic on BMW) turbocharger, and catalic converter
For gasoline as a chemical term, see Benzene. A jars filled with gasoline Petrol or Petrol (commonly referred to as gasoline in the United States and Canada) is a clear, slightly yellowish liquid, and derived from petroleum processing that is mostly used as fuel in deep bottle engines. Gasoline can also be used as a solvent, mainly because of its ability to dissolve the cat. Most of the gasoline is composed of aliphatic hydrocarbons enriched with iso-octane or benzene for octane increments. Sometimes, gasoline is also mixed with ethanol as an alternative fuel.
Now gasoline has almost become the basic needs of the increasingly dynamic world society. Even Americans use 1.36 billion liters of gasoline every day.
Ø Closing
The quality of a gasoline can be affected by the octane value contained. The higher the octane rating, the better the gasoline quality. The need for an octane rating of a vehicle varies, depending on the compression ratio of the engine and other factors that affect the need for the octane number.
 Testing the need of vehicle octane number aims to determine the octane number of a vehicle. By knowing the need of an octane number of a vehicle, technically it can be determined the level of gasoline octane number that will be used for the vehicle.
To increase the octane rating can be done in several ways, for example by adding addictive substances to gasoline such as TEL, Naphtalene, MTBE or by adding alicyclic / aromatic hydrocarbons to the final mixture of gasoline fraction, and so on.


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